I thought I might start a new regular edition today… I seem to stumble across all kind of things on the internet (as you do…) so I thought I might share some of these thoughts with you all. Some may be interesting, some not so much, but you can decide that for yourselves…
So, I’ve been playing around with my new Dr. Bronner’s Liquid Natural Soap, and its freeking awesome! You can literally use it for anything… It works especially well to clean make up brushes! The make up literally leaps out of the bristles! I was totally amazed!
But did you know you can buy Dr. Bronner’s products on ASOS.com?… Yes, you read that right. ASOS. The site that sells a bazillion types of clothes and shoes and handbags and jewellery…
I was browsing around the sales and decided to type “organic” in the search bar and see what came up… Among a few other things was good old Dr. Bronner’s! Kind of cool really. (This applies to at least UK, GER, and US sites).
P.S. Its actually a bit cheaper on ASOS as well! Double win!
There’s a few other organic bits and pieces on there as well, including People Tree clothing which is awesome, and apparently Nudie Jeans are making some organic products as well. Go Nudie!
And another bonus for all the eco-warriors out there, ASOS also stocks Matt & Nat products! If you haven’t heard of them, they’re great. Think cruelty free, ethical, recycled, and upcycled. Super cool.
I’m about to move to a new apartment and I’m already thinking about what it’s going to need… It will be in a city so I’m thinking some nice, air-purifying, plants would probably be a good idea. I’ve narrowed it down to a few but I pinned a few interested sites to my Pintrest Board…
Snake Plant – I’ve heard these are very good at purifying air and apparently they’re basically un-killable. Extra plus. They also can grow in low light conditions so perfect for corners in an apartment with small windows.

Image via: http://www.thedarlinglife.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/RX-DK-HTG38301_HGRM-7-m-i-l-tongue_s4x3_lg.jpg
Aloe Vera – These little guys are not only great for skin care and sun burns, but they are great air filterers. One pot of this guy does as much good as nine biological air cleaners according to EarthShip. And it’s easy to grow!

Image via: http://cloud.achica.com/achicaliving/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/aloe-vera-house-plants-refresh-health-benefits-achica.jpg
Spider Plant – I remember my mother always told me these are super easy to grow and care for, and these are great for absorbing toxins and allergens such as mould from the air; perfect for those with allergy issues. Will be stocking up on these I think! They make little baby plants that they shoot out from time to time so you basically have a little spider plant factory.
I’ll probably get some herbs going as well if I can, rosemary and mint are very good air purifiers.
If you don’t already know this, IKEA actually has some super cheap, but decent plants. Not necessarily organic I guess, but you can continue to grow them in an organic way once you get them home…
I’ve decided I need to make a wish list of green products that I would like to try. Partly because then I can drop hints to my boyfriend, and partly because it’s fun crossing stuff off lists…
I find lists that I write myself, and then can cross off as I finish something, make me much more productive. When I was studying Architecture at uni I used to make lists of all the different drawings and plans that needed to go into a project. It felt soooo good crossing one off each time, and then at the end you have this super satisfying piece of paper full of crossed off items. Look how much you’ve achieved! I highly recommend doing this.
Find a way to motivate yourself; this could be buying fancy “to-do list” paper and pretty pens, or finding some scrap paper and cutting them into neat rectngles and stapling them together. Maybe you already have something like this, and you just need to remember to put it somewhere that you will SEE it!
We had kikki.K in Australia and they made the most beautiful stationary items. Everything from planners and organisers, through to wedding planning needs and laptop bags, right down to staples and paperclips. I loved their diaries, they were sooo cute!
I need to start writing lists for day to day things (so I’m not all talk). I will try and get myself into the habit of writing my check list the night before, so it is ready to go in the morning and I’m not losing sleep worrying about if ill forget to do something…
Found somewhere new to buy cool things? Let me know below!
Feature image via: ikea.com/de