Better late than never right?…
Wow. I really can’t believe its August already… This year has just flown by! Quick little post about products I used up last month…
alverde Naturkostmetik Ultra Sensitive Duschcreme – see my previous review here. This was ok…. I probably will not repurchase though. Maybe if I have real issues with my skin being allergic to things but the alcohol smell is just a bit to strong to start with.
Ihre Klassiker Henna Shampoo – Finished up the last of my first ever natural shampoo. See my original thoughts on it here. I actually didn’t mind this too much. This is a non-colouring Henna Shampoo and I thought it work well, though maybe left my hair feeling a bit stripped. I don’t think I will repurchase this one as I want to stay away from Sulfates from now on if I can.
Weleda Citrus Cremedusche and Feuchtigkeitslotion Samples – This was my first Weleda body care product experience. Unfortunately it wasn’t great. If you like citrus scents, then these products are for you. The shower crème smelled just like some sort of citrus milkshake (I like chocolate milkshakes), it just really wasn’t my thing at all. I just wouldn’t put lemon and lime together with milk… The Body Lotion was much the same; kind of an overpowering citrus smell to start with, probably good to wake you up in the morning, but way too much for me. Both had a lovely feeling on the skin though so I would definitely try these products in other scents, but would not purchase in this variety.
alverde Naturkosmetik Nutri-Care-Shampoo and Nutri-Care-Spülung Travel Sizes in Mandel and Argan – I actually really liked these (apart from the coco-sulfate in the shampoo). The shampoo had a lovely consistency and a smell that was just kind of herbal and not in any way over powering; nice later too. I had never used a “Spülung” (rinse) before, always just conditioner so didn’t really get what this was all about. I felt like as soon as it touched my hair the product disappeared, it wasn’t like a smoothing mask like a nice thick conditioner. It was a bit strange the first time. But it really added a bit more smoothness to my hair after rinsing and the dry/straw/stripped feeling from any previous product was basically gone. It was great! These also lasted me quite a long time… at least five hair washes, if not more. Pretty decent value really. Would I repurchase again? Yes, if I needed to. But I’m just going to save the little bottles to refill!
Hope you all had a great July and are looking forward to August!